Climate and Environmental Justice Grants

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EJforNE, a Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program, invests in the growth of a sustainable, community-driven environmental justice movement to counter historical disinvestment in communities—aiming to address environmental hazards, climate resiliency, and energy justice, and build livable and healthy communities.

Providence, United States – July 31, 2022: The people on the bridge having fun and enjoying a view of Providence, Rhode Island
Stock image of two hands cupping a small plant in soil

Seed Funds are available for up to $75,000 for activities and capacity-building efforts to support severely capacity-constrained community-based organizations. Capacity-constrained community-based organizations are defined as those having an equivalent of four or less paid full-time staff members at the time of application, amongst other criteria. A full eligibility definition can be found in the request for proposal (RFP).


Tier 1 will grant up to $150,000 for up to one year. Projects in this tier should begin to assess a local community’s climate and environmental justice landscape. 


Tier 2 will grant up to $250,000 up to two years. Projects in this tier should include planning and partnership development activities to address identified environmental justice concerns. 


This tier will provide grants for up to $350,000 for two years. Projects in this tier should support the implementation of community plans and research. Projects may have educational and outreach components, but must focus on developing tangible community assets or providing defined community benefits.


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